This is our daughter, Delle ready to dig in to my newfangled recipe.
Now please oblige while I share....I do vegetarian recipes. God convicted me of what is happening to the institutionalized farm animals and that goes for dairy as well. It's a great thing to eat with a clear conscience and it's a great thing for health too. Leather has the same sentiments when we see what is behind it all.
So now I go back to Genesis and the garden for eating and it's a luverly thing.
The taste of seeds, nuts, legumes...are a beautiful thing. I can make some out of-this-world lentil patties with veggie gravy. So. Good. I have to make sure my recipe is tweaked before I post it though. : ) My fave snack food is cherry taste buds have come alive!
And as always I take a good quality multi vitamin and b12. I've always been particular about taking b12, it has saved my back for several years before I even made this conscience change.
Do you know...
...that broccoli has 11.2 grams of protein?
....that Romaine lettuce has 7.5 grams of protein?
....that Kale ahs 11 grams of protein?
.....verses 5.4 grams in a sirloin (flesh) steak?
Yes indeedie, and that doesn't even touch the calcium and iron facts.
This info is from the Hallelujah Acres magazine.
Do you eat eggs Mrs Amelia? Yes. As long as they are from a true humane source, not a place where little boy chicks are thrown into a macerator alive.
Milk? As long as it is from a humane source but milk and cheeses do not agree with my body, they do form extra mucus in the body.
What do you use? I use almond or coconut milk, unsweetened rice milk is excellent for baking and cooking. I use almond or veggie cheese. I make ricotta from tofu.
Okay. That should answer main questions if you had any....
On with that recipe. On with Cowboy Night!
Mrs. Amelia's Yee-haw-Howdy Tamale Pie
This served our family of 6 with leftovers. Yay for leftovers! : )
4 14.5 oz. cans of pinto beans drained or you can make your own in the crockpot.
1 regular small can of tomato paste
2 T ollive oil
1 onion chopped.
3 T chili powder
1 can of storebrand mild tomato rotel
1 6 oz. packet of cornbread mix. I used Martha White yellow cornbread mix packet.
2 2/3 c. of rice milk
2 happy chicken yard eggs
2 T stevia (or you could use honey or a little sugar) I also stay away from sugar or honey, neither agree with my body.
Okay. Yeehaw let's go!
Preheat oven to 425. Coat 13 x 9 pan with oil. Heat oil in skillet add chopped onion cook til soft. Add chili powder. Stir in paste, rotel, then beans.
Reduce to low, simmer around 6 minutes.
Season with salt & pepper if desired.
Combine the cornbread mix with rice-milk, eggs, 2 T. spoon water in bowl.
Spread the bean mixture in pan.
Pour cornbread mixture over bean mixture spreading lightly with the back of a spoon.
Bake until cornbread is set and golden. (Doesn't take that long)
There you have it! Mrs. Amelia's Yeehaw-Howdy Tamale Pie! Hubs thought it should have more cornbread mixture...try it and see what ya think!
You can serve this with salsa, olives, avocados etc. A salad goes nicely on the side if you have time. : ) Or if you want to go really easy-breezy, do a frozen green veggie cooked and drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with garlic powder. When I grew up, we had to have at least one green per day. Mama was right!
Mrs. Amelia's Yee-Haw-Howdy Tamale Pie!
Now for that show!

This old black and white 50s television series is SO. PRECIOUS. Fury
You too can come along to the Broken Wheel Ranch and share in the sweet adventures! My husband used to watch these when he was a little boy and the little boy in the shows reminds me of Hubs too. : ) The other night we watched an episode and the little boy was praying such a sweet heartfelt prayer. Oh. So. Adorable. This is the kind of thing you want your family to see. You will not see disrespect or anything that would go along with today's modern sitcoms.
I hope you are all doing well, we're doing good here at the Forest Cathedral. Mar and I are nursing a little chicken back to health. You can read about it here and here on My Forest Cathedral blog.
Have any of you read or heard anything about the Gosnell trial? I hate to bring this up, it is horrible and unpleasant but it needs to be heard, most news media is not covering it. You can read about it here on my Vision for a Godly Home Blog.
I'm sorry I've been so aloof on this blog, I'm testing out new recipes and am rather particular on what to share, I'm also very particular with even old 40s movies to share. They must be good....and blameless! : )
If you're interested, I blog the most at My Forest Cathedral, if you would like to follow there. My four daughters think I should condense to one blog...I'm not sure. We will see. It's a long story how I ended up with 3 blogs!
So much going on in our nation and soooo much to pray about.
Love to All, ~Mrs. Amelia
Good morning dear friend. Your recipe looks yummy! I think it will be on the list of things to try.
I remember that old TV series from when I was a kid. Seems like things were simpler and truer back then. What went wrong?
Thanks be to God that there are people such as your family to provide a rational anchor in the fog of evil that surrounds us. Pray, pray pray! That is all we can do.
Great recipe! I make something similar, but with meat. I do try to only use meat that has been ethically raised. I felt the same conviction about how animals were treated. It is wrong, and against scripture. For that matter, so is how some are abusing the land with pesticides, all in the name of profit.
I had NO IDEA that these vegetables had so much protein. I am amazed, and excited! Thank you fro sharing that, and any other tidbits you care to share. How does B12 help your back? I would love to know.
I used to watch Fury and have the DVD. As far as blogs go, I've ended up with several, I don't know why.
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